Our Mission

We firmly believe that each child is a unique prodigy of God on a Hero's Journey, deserving a purpose-driven education in order to discover a calling that will change the world for Christ!

Our Promises

We promise through Socratic guiding and experiential learning to encourage each member of our community to:

  • begin a Hero’s Journey
  • discover precious gifts and a commitment to mastery
  • become a curious, independent, life-long learner
  • embrace the forging of a strong character
  • cherish the arts, the physical world, and the mysteries of life
  • treasure economic, political, and religious freedom

Our Beliefs

We believe clear thinking leads to good decisions, good decisions lead to the right habits, the right habits forge character, and character determines destiny.

  • we believe each person has a gift that can change the world in a profound way
  • we believe in learning to learn, learning to do, and learning to be
  • we believe in a closely connected family of life-long learners
  • we believe in economic, political, and religious freedom

Our Economic Model

We believe self-directed, peer-to-peer learner-driven communities built by our young Heroes will deliver transformational learning at a cost all parents can afford.

Our Unique Elements
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